
- HP
- 583734
- 25554
- 4164
SquadBest Seller
Overload Suggestions
- 4x Element Damage Dealt
- 4x ATK
- 0-4x Max Ammunition Capacity
Harmony Cube
Skill 1

Thief's Calling Card
■ Activates when hitting a Rapture with a normal attack if the Rapture is not in Calling Card status. Affects the target.
Calling Card: DEF ▼ 32.19% for 5 sec.
■ Activates when hitting a Rapture with a normal attack if the Rapture is not in Calling Card status. Affects self.
Thief's Dagger: Hit Rate ▲ 25.75%, stacks up to 3 time(s) and lasts for 5 sec.
■ Activates when hitting a target with a normal attack if the target is in Calling Card status. Affects self.
Attack damage ▲ 75.17% for 1 round(s).
Calling Card: DEF ▼ 32.19% for 5 sec.
■ Activates when hitting a Rapture with a normal attack if the Rapture is not in Calling Card status. Affects self.
Thief's Dagger: Hit Rate ▲ 25.75%, stacks up to 3 time(s) and lasts for 5 sec.
■ Activates when hitting a target with a normal attack if the target is in Calling Card status. Affects self.
Attack damage ▲ 75.17% for 1 round(s).
Skill 2

Thief's Vision
■ Activates when Thief's Dagger is fully stacked. Affects the target(s) in Calling Card status after the stacks are removed.
Deals 84.33% of final ATK as additional damage. Calling Card status is removed after the effect is triggered.
■ Activates when Thief's Dagger is fully stacked. Affects self after the stacks are removed.
Distributed Damage ▲ 12.86% continuously, stacks up to 3 time(s). Stacks are removed after Burst Skill is cast.
■ Activates after landing 10 normal attack(s). Affects self.
ATK ▲ 85.12% for 5 sec.
Distributed Damage ▲ 31.92% for 10 sec.
Deals 84.33% of final ATK as additional damage. Calling Card status is removed after the effect is triggered.
■ Activates when Thief's Dagger is fully stacked. Affects self after the stacks are removed.
Distributed Damage ▲ 12.86% continuously, stacks up to 3 time(s). Stacks are removed after Burst Skill is cast.
■ Activates after landing 10 normal attack(s). Affects self.
ATK ▲ 85.12% for 5 sec.
Distributed Damage ▲ 31.92% for 10 sec.
Burst Skill


Secret Trick: Rampage of Thieves
■ Affects all enemies.
Deals 1457.28% of final ATK as Distributed Damage.
Deals 1457.28% of final ATK as Distributed Damage.